Ideen Daten Fakten


Name: Barrakuda
Registration Number 029112
Call Sign DG2593 BARRAKUDA
Frequenzzuteilung 80893825
MMSI 211237930
Epirb ID Code 211237930
Baujahr 1973
Masthöhe 17,2







Hull Type:             Catamaran Twin Cbrd.       

Rig Type:           Masthead Sloop

LOA:                      41.00                

LWL:                36.00    

Beam:             19.50

Draft (max.)         6.75                  

Draft (min.)     3.00     

Listed SA:        710

Displacement:    10350                Ballast:           

Designer:              J. R. Macalpine-Downie

Builder:                 Sail Craft Ltd. (UK)

Hull:                       FG                     Bal. type:      

First Built:    1970                           Last Built:          Number Built:            

BUILDERS (past & present)

More about & boats built by:    Sailcraft Ltd. (UK)


More about & boats designed by:                   J.R. (Rod) Macalpine-Downie


Draft for fixed keel version: 5.83′. Available as sloop, cutter or ketch.


2                            Yanmar 30 3 GM C with 27q HP running ca. 1855 hours

                              No. 155 und 156!

A lot Yanmar GM30 Spareparts on board

2                            Saildrives SD 20

2                            Alu blades

2                            Folding Prop Gori 16*12*

                              LiMa         70Amp / 12V die ist neu seid 2016!

                              100Amp / 24 Volt brandnew 2017

350 L                     Gasoil in Stainless Steel and

2 * 40 l =80 L        as Daytanks in Plastik for each Motor

400 L                     Water

4                            Double-Berth one Big Bed in the middle

2                            Toilets

1                            Hotwater Boiler 10 liter Gas – Truma Combi also

1                            Heater 4 KW Gas Truma Combi 4 mit Remote controll und Raumthermostat-brandnew 2016

2                            Anchors CQR 45 LBS / Platten Anker – Danforth

2                            Chains 110 m and 80 m / 8mm

2                            Anchorwinsches
Aries Flair STB and
Big one on BB
both with RC handling.

1                            Fridge with 2 Sides cool and extra Cool with new WAECO
      Passive cooling and a

                              Cool box for drinks and Waterbootle also good for salat

1                            Gas Ofen with 3Flames and Herd- TechImpex Top 3

1                            Gas bootle 15 Liter big outside with airventilation

1                            Autopilot Raymarine SP30 with Gyro and Hydraulic Steering Pump Type 2

1                            Raymarien ST6002 Steering Compass

2                            Fluxgate Compass

1                            Raymarine ST 60 TriData

1                            Raymarine Depthsounder / Logge / Thermostat

1                            Raymarine Wind ST 60

1                            2 KW Radar and

1                            Chartplotter RLC 70 Plus

1                            Standard Compass with backlight

1                            Scuda Eagle Chartplotter and GPS

1                            Bord PC Brand New Fanless extrem – with Touchscreen and CM93 Cards for the whole world!

2                            Handheld GPS

1                            VHF ShortRange

1                            UHF Long Distance

1                            Foghorn

1                            Laser Distant Meter 600 m

2                            Field glases

1                            Epirp

4                            Rescue wests self airfilling

6                            Rescue fest feststoff

4                            electric bilge pump

2                            manual bilgepumps

FI                           Switch Shore Power

1                            Dingi Achilles with

1                            Outborder Tohatsu 5 PS in good Condition

2                            Davids at the back

1                            Watermaker PUR Powersurvivor – 35 (not installed)

6                            Solar Panels for 24 (4) and 12 (2 and1 flex)Volt

                                    Solarpanels 110Watt each

2                            MPP Solar Chargers Brand New

1                            Sterling Prosplitt for 3 batterybanks

1                            DC DC Convertzer 24/12 20 Amp S005550-100793 für

2                            Batteries 200 AH

2                            AGM Batteries 180 AH

2                            Starter Batteries for each Motor NEW 2017 – 90 AH

1                            Brand new Windgenerator for 24 Volt…

1                            Battery Charger 12 Volt 20 Amp

1                            Constant Volt 24 V 25 Amp

1                            aggregat 700 Watt

1                            Inverter 12 Volt 700 Watt

1                            Inverter 24 Volt 3000 Watt Optimized Sinus

2                            Wateralerts in both machines

1                            amplifier and

4                            brand new boxes

2                            NEW Net in Front 2017 /2018


2                            Spinakers

2                            Mainsails

1                            Genua 150%

1                            Light Genua 110%

1                            Working Fock III

1                            Fock II

1                            Fock I

2                            Double Focks

1                            Storm Fock

Achter Stagg       8 mm

Wanten               6/8/10 mm

Ankerkette           8 * 40 mm

Ankerwinsch        Quick Aries Flair 1.000

Watermaker        PUR 35 / 5 Liter/std. 4 Amp

                              Powersurvivor 35

Winschkrubel Lewmar             = 5/8 „        = 15,875 mm
normal          = 11/16“ = 17,46 mm

Relinghöhe          75 cm

Baumlänge         500 cm

Segel Groß           1230 * 500 cm

Rollreff Anlage Heino Hasse Vorliek 14,60 (14,70 max)Meter! / 10 mm
+ ca 40 unten 30cm oben = 15,40 10mm Stag von Punkt zu Punkt!
Bis zum Mast 5,20 m

Babystag 9,10cm max länge Vorliek bis ins Öhr der Verstagung Mast


Kommt noch

bitte warten
Lazy ...

…or something like this:

“ Eine Segelreise um die Welt ist der kürzeste Weg zu sich selbst.“
(Bernard Moitessier)

Ich beeile mich

Bis ganz bald.

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